As you may or may not know, expat life is actually a lot like regular life. I deal with oddities like no Amazon, signs and menus in another language, and some uncertainty about what I will find at the grocery store. But, I encounter those as a part of normal things like shopping (in my case more "window shopping") online, eating out, and grocery shopping. It can be quite mundane. With that in mind, December started like any other (though admittedly warmer). The kids went to school, they had some typical end of term days of assessments and reviews, and they had a Winter Fair and program. We decorated the house for Christmas and enjoyed Christmas decorations as we would see them at hotels, restaurants, or the grocery store. By the way, Christmas decorations in hotels is what "it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas" means here in Oman as well as many parts of Asia.
For school, J had an explorer day where he dressed up like an explorer (space explorer in our case because I already had the costume) and did fun recaps of what they had learned about Tudor Explorers this term. E had a decades day where all the kids dressed up to represent a decade of the 1900s to wrap up their learning about the 20th century. E went as a boy from the 30s, and he took a cool board game we made with trivia questions dealing with the 30s.
E ready for 30s day at school. |