About Us

Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;  In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will set your paths straight."

This is a favorite verse of mine.  I've always found it comforting.  God will guide you if you trust in Him and if you lean into Him.  Some see the bar as being set so high, "all your heart", "all your ways."  I appreciate the promise, "He will."  Our adventures abroad will be a larger test of trusting and leaning on God than many we have faced so far.

A little about us.  We are the Drylie family.  We come from the United States.  Stephen was from Florida with some time in Ohio and South Carolina thanks to being in a military family.  I was from Texas.  We met at Georgia Tech (Go Yellow Jackets!).  While at Georgia Tech, I studied in France one semester and worked in Germany one semester.  With my experiences overseas and with international colleagues, I had a desire to have my kids educated internationally so they would learn more languages.

When we graduated from school and got married, I joined Stephen in McAllen, Texas where our first child was born.  We then moved to Duncan, Oklahoma where our second child was born.  After 7 wonderful years there, Stephen heard about a new position looking to be filled either in Aberdeen, Scotland or Muscat, Oman.  With Stephen thinking he wouldn't want to live abroad anywhere that didn't speak English as the first language, he thought Scotland sounded good.  (He's also Scottish a ways back, so that probably also added to the draw.)  He made a call about the position and learned that they thought Oman would be a great location for Stephen considering his knowledge background.

Now we are in Muscat, Oman. Let the adventures begin!

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