This February both continued the relative chaos and uncertainty of this year and felt a bit like the calm in the eye of the storm. The period of mourning ended on February 19. But concerns of Coronavirus definitely started to grow before the month ended.
We started the month with Mamaw and Papaw still in town. Then right after they left, Stephen had 2 weeks of trips. It was basically back to normal as far as home life goes. We even squeezed in date nights with the boys in between his work trips (J took me to Jollibee, and E took Stephen to Five Guys). We didn't watch the Super Bowl because it began at 3 am. I was happy that Kansas City won, though. E had a one day wadi trip mid-month, and J went on his first overnight trip at the end of the month. It was a year 4 camping trip in Muscat Hills. He had so much fun boating, drawing maps, creating sand designs for retention walls, and all sorts of other activities crammed into a 2 day, 1 night trip. He is excited for longer trips in the future. My favorite part was that they taught the kids how to set up tents so that they set up their own tents with their tent buddies. My second favorite part was going on a day date with Stephen to hike and snorkel.
My date at Jollibee. |