Going on Walks

It is "fall" now.  It is beautiful most mornings and evenings (admittedly not this morning, it was crazy humid).  Some number of years ago yesterday, I slightly complained about the cold weather and hoped that Stephen could move us to Florida.  Looking at that now, I realize that Oman works, too.  I don't miss the cold.  I love the warmth.  And even though it is hot in Oman (sometimes all day, sometimes just the middle of the day), we go on lots of walks.  It’s a good way to get in little nuggets of workout time throughout the day.

For instance, we walk to and from school every day.  Some days, I have to do multiple pick ups because of after school activities.  I’m not gonna lie, that school pick up time was HOT in September!  Not my favorite walking time.

I also make a point of walking any time my watch vibrates at me that I haven’t been active enough in the last hour.  In these cases, I usually walk to the end of my road where there is a shady stretch of road.  During school, I do this alone unless Stephen needs a computer break.  On weekends or after school, I drag the boys with me.  Sometimes they will pull out their scooters and ride up and down the street.  It’s fine with me as long as they’re up and doing something.  Now, if they ride their scooters, I did have to convince them to stick to the road.  If they use the sidewalk (the shady area in the later afternoons), there are grooves around the man hole covers that were causing J’s scooter to stop abruptly and him fall.  Hence, he scraped both knees in one week.
My shady walking path in the afternoon.
Nearly every evening after dinner, we take a Pokémon walk as a family to the shopping center up the road.  This loop takes up nearly 30 minutes.  It’s a very lovely time to walk around.  We are likely to see many other people walking in the evenings.  Some people are even out walking their dogs.  The sun has started to go down, and you can feel a bit of a breeze.  It is very refreshing unless it is one of the extra humid days.

We went on walks in Duncan, too.  But there were rarely other people walking, and the walks were never on sidewalks.  I would walk to the library, occasionally walk all the way to Walmart, walk to Chisholm Corner to get a soda (Something I did far too often near the end.  Seriously, what do they put in their sodas?  Also, I miss their sodas.), and walk as a family after dinner (if the weather cooperated).

There are lots of people out and about in Muscat.  There are sidewalks everywhere!  I see people during my mid-day walk, and admittedly more during our evening walks.  I’ve been very pleased with my ability to be active outside.  There is something so refreshing about being outside in the fresh air and sun!

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