Throwback Thursday: Christmas in Florida

Before we moved, we spent every other Christmas in Florida with Stephen's side of the family.  I loved these Christmases because it promised warm weather.  Occasionally I didn't bring cool enough clothes and would resort to wearing tanks I had meant for layering.

Last year was a Florida Christmas, and FaceBook and my line-a-day journal have kindly reminded me of memories from last Christmas as well as jogged memories from Florida Christmases past.  In my line-a-day journal I noted things such as walking to Target, walking to Chick-fil-A for lunch (yes, both are walking distance from my in-laws' house), long and short runs, and an actual chilly day that required a light jacket.  FaceBook reminds me of the Christmas of bikes and riding those bikes in shorts and a t-shirt.  We walked to parks and the pool (an outdoor pool, btw).
Pretty sure we fit about 1 of the 4 bikes we all received for Christmas in the car for the drive home.  Yes, the seat needed to be raised, but it was fine for a quick ride.
At the park post run (in shorts and a tank).
Swimming outside in Florida in December.
Can you tell how sweaty the boys are in this picture from last Christmas?
This all reminds me of my living ideals that I wanted after every Florida visit.  My in-laws' house is in a warm climate and within walking distance of schools, restaurants, stores, and a grocery store.  I don't need a car when we're there to run errands.  I can go outside and walk whenever I want because the weather is beautiful and there are sidewalks everywhere.

I have all that here (with the exception of Target and the ability to wear shorts), and I am so blessed by it.

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