For a little summer trip before going home, we decided to head out to the
Millennium Resort in Mussanah again. It's a good little get away trip from Muscat. It takes about 1.5 hours to get here, the rates for all inclusive are really good, the internet is fast and everywhere, and the food is phenomenal.
Ready to go zip lining! |
Waiting for the other two to finish their last trip on the "hamster wheel." |
Here they come! Leaving the rather hot obstacle course. |
We were going to come out for Eid. We had the room booked and everything. Then I heard that some places wouldn't be serving alcohol during Eid because it is a religious holiday. I emailed the hotel for clarification, and I received a response back that alcohol would not be served. (Side note: I prefer to email rather than call whenever I can. I have a very hard time understanding some people's English if their accent is very thick. Emailing is easier because it is written. Even if the response is a bit broken English, I can decipher what they mean because I can see the words they are choosing.) Time to change plans. Right after school let out seemed good since the boys and I wouldn't be heading home for 3 weeks. We then later bumped it up a day when Stephen had a meeting scheduled for the last day of our trip. But they easily accomodated the change. It probably helps that all the days were week days and not the pricier weekends.
All inclusive details. I mostly recommend this hotel on the all inclusive deal. |
Activities offered at the hotel |
Coming here now, in the intense heat of summer is very different from even coming in the growing heat of April. Like all things in life, there are pros and cons. Cons:
- It is HOT!
- When we did Aqua Fun (the inflatable obstacle course on the water)
yesterday, they warned us that it might be too hot on the feet for the
kids. It was definitely hot. The blue patches were almost unbearable,
but the yellow plastic was better.
- It's too hot to play mini golf any time of the day.
- Even if the hot tub is only warm, the ambient temperature is too hot to enjoy it.
- The walk from the apartments to the pool is long in the heat and sun.
- It's too hot and humid outside to enjoy the balconies.
- It's too hot and humid outside to enjoy the lounges even by the covered pool.
- Enjoying drinks by the pool is a hot and humid endeavor even at night.
- Their new all inclusive wristbands are kind of crappy. They are flaking and about to fall off.
- There are noticeably fewer people at the pools and in the restaurants.
- I don't know if it is because we came before or because it is so hot or
because the hotel is emptier, but they gave us 2 passes each for Aqua
Fun and the zip line. A very nice gesture, in my opinion.
- The covered pool is still our first choice pool option because it is
covered. I don't need to lather on the sunscreen on everyone.
- The covered pool area is not as hot.
- Empty pools mean I can read a book (or eBook) while sitting in a pool.
- Experiencing their newly released menus:
- Azure restaurant has a new set menu that is utilized for one of their day pass options. It can make ordering easier (especially for low carb me at a mostly pizza
and sandwiches restaurant). I like it because it gives an option of fish, chicken, or
steak (along with other vegetarian options including a cheese pizza), a choice of veggie side, a choice of
french fries, a salad bar trip, and a choice of dessert.
- The bars have brand new menus with more detailed drink options. Now
they show more mixed drink options (my favorites) and more details about
what is included in all inclusive and what is extra. My favorite new drinks are the fratecino, citrus margarita, and espresso martini.
- Everyone is extra eager to assist. For example, we've been asked our opinion on the drinks made. The boys have been offered ice cream even when it wasn't offered on the buffet. I've been offered to order off menu when what I wanted wasn't on the menu.
- The zip line is still open even if it has more limited hours.
- The food is still really good. My favorite is the pani puri offered on Indian night in Mydan. Though all of their themed around the world nights have been delicious.
- The drinks are still delicious and strong (I get one at a time. I'm not a lush.). And endless waters (and occasional juices for the boys) pool side thanks to the all inclusive package is invaluable. Speaking of juices, they serve the Lacnor brand which means that the apple juice has no added sugar and the mixed fruit cocktail has sugar listed somewhere around ingredient #5 as opposed to first or second. So better if not perfect, and a fun treat for vacation for the boys.
- It's hot all over Oman, so at least this way we're by a pool.
An espresso martini and a rum old fashioned |
The steak from the set menu at Azure |
The chocolate ice cream that was offered to the kids after dinner at Midan. |
The new bar menu. All the items with the dot next to the name are included in the all inclusive package. |
The general alcohol menu at the bar with the all inclusive items marked as well as the alcohol serving times. We are in a muslim country, after all. |
The heat all around and the sun overhead meant that we were on the obstacle course for maybe 30 minutes before heading in because we were worn out. We certainly didn't want to risk dehydration. Our first stop post Aqua Fun was the pool bar for 4 waters. I had downed mine before we made it back to the room. J didn't drink as much of his because he had left Aqua Fun a bit before the rest of us and drank water with the lifeguards (the ones not on duty). Apparently sitting in the shade with them, not talking, and drinking water was a lot of fun. I love that little Weirdo!
Enjoying the covered pool with the boys. I'd sit here in the shade until I was too hot, then I'd jump in the pool. |
As I said, the pool is practically empty. |
When the hot tub was just warm, the boys took a quick dip. |
Even with the heat, the trip has been great! I'd recommend this resort for a weekend getaway or even a work trip. As I said, the internet is pretty good, so Stephen can easily work while we play.